Built by Saas founders

A startup collaboration platform, skill exchange and growth for entrepreneurs

Meet with other founders to share skills and knowledge in marketing, design, coding and more.

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Startup and founders exchanging marketing and coding skills for growth

How it works?

Simple steps to your path for mutual
work collaboration.

Share your skills

Indicate your key skills and prior support you need.


Connect together

The AI algorithm will connect you with peers who have the expertise you seek.


Start collaborating

Connect and collaborate to turn your startup ideas into a successful unicorn.

Startup and founders exchanging marketing and coding skills for growth

Why you'll love using OneTie

It has everything you need to rapidly
grow your business to next level.

Precision matching

The AI algorithm will recommend you a perfect team player.


Skilled entrepreneurs

Connect directly with other startup founders and individuals.


Resource library

Access a library of templates, guides, and tools to support your skill-sharing and growth strategies.


Customized NDA’s

A personalized NDA that fits your specific needs, ensuring confidentiality.


Secure communication

Ensure your discussions remain confidential with our built-in secure messaging platform.


Success stories

Gain insights from the best and shape your product building process.

OneTie is built for

Visionaries turning their ideas into reality,
even in a resource crunch.


Innovators bringing fresh concepts to life.


Small companies

Teams looking to enhance their expertise and grow.



Independent creators seeking collaboration and support.

Learn success strategies from top entrepreneurs

Collaborate, Exchange and Grow

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